Influx – ERP for Test Prep Company

Worldwide education sector is one the fastest growing sectors. Indian Education sector is valued at $40 billion. Now, test-prep companies are acknowledging the need of technology enablement to facilitate effective management control. We have developed ERP module for one of the leading Mumbai based test-prep company. Essential modules of ERP system for test-prep company are enumerated below.

Centralized Admissions and Enrollment Process

It records details of enrollments which also works as authentication base for student records to provide access to various online and offline services, provided by company. One can control student’s access to test prep services through this database. This record facilitates various features of fees receivables management like fees installments payment reminder, payment history of students, monthly record of expected fees installments, fees concessions provided, daily cash-check collection details, crosscheck of bank balance vis-à-vis fees collection. It helps to track branch-wise, course-wise enrollments which provide territory-wise product penetration vis-à-vis marketing expenditure for the same territory.


  • Inquiry Management
  • Admission Process
  • Admission from Any Location
    • Online Admission
    • Multi Course Admission
    • Fee Concession / Installments management
    • Receipt Generation and Printing
    • Management of Branch Wise / Stream Wise Batch enrollments
    • Region-wise fee structure management
  • Receivables management
    • Installment Alerts
    • PDC Alerts
    • Crosscheck of bank balance vis-à-vis fees collection
    • Track clearance of cheques

Centralized CRM Application

It aggregates branch-wise, course-wise enquiry details, which can be processed further for effective follow-up, Email and/or SMS campaign. It also helps to track campaign footfalls and conversion rate of front-office.


  • Inquiry Management
  • Follow-up Management
  • Email Campaign
  • SMS Campaign
  • Call Center Management (Manual)

Centralized Student database

It creates access for students to all web based resources of test-prep company through single login. It also allows to cross-sale of services to captive student base


  • Student Registration at branch or franchisee
  • Student Registration through online admission portal
  • Student Login and Authentication (API)

Inventory Management

It links enrollments with study material requirements, which works as input for warehouse. It tracks branch wise reorder levels of study material avoiding delay in material issuance to the students. It also strikes fine balance between branch storage cost and material transportation cost.

Common Payment Gateway integration

It provides single payment gateway for multiple websites of test prep company. It saves cost of multiple payment gateways and creates centralized database of students

Centralized Human Resource Process

It maintains centralized database of staff. Database is connected to attendance records and performance reports which plays crucial role in fact based performance appraisal. It includes pay roll processing as well as staff loan scheme processing if any. It can be customized to determine staff requirement in line with organization’s growth.

Attendance records can be generated from biometric equipment or other electronic attendance tracking equipments.


  • Employee Management
  • Professor / Lecturer Management
  • Staff Qualification and Skills Management
  • Staff Earnings / Deductions management
  • Loan / Advances Management
  • Leave Management

Franchisee / Branch Management

It tracks region-wise/ product-wise learning centers and jurisdiction area of each learning center. This helps to map region-wise centers requirements vis-à-vis existing centers.

Management Information System (MIS) (as per client requirements)

It quantifies and aggregates function-wise daily changes. It facilitates tracking of promotional campaigns, it’s costing, inquiries, conversions, collections, training performance, facility maintenance, attendance, staff travel, budget utilization, staff utilization, etc.

Decision Support System (DSS) (as per client requirements)

We can even develop framework based on MIS which will provide inputs to management like which course is doing well, where and why. Performance can be analyzed using predefined framework giving crucial inputs on promotional campaigns, front staff effectiveness and course delivery. Course effectiveness can be analyzed to fine-tune products. This will provide crucial info to top management to decide upon course structure, learning methodology, right skill set of trainers, region-wise effective promotional tools.

Time table management (as per client requirements)

This module can be developed to generate time table options, based on course structure, staff availability, and training budget.