
Nascent name and logo are trademarks which belong to and are owned by Nascent. These trademarks may not be utilized in any way without prior written approval from Nascent.

By using a Nascent trademark, in whole or in part, you are recognizing that Nascent is the only owner of the brand. You admit that you will not get in the way with the rights of Nascent in the trademark in any manner whatsoever.

Please follow the rules listed under to help us secure our brand rights and make stronger our brand identity. You shall not make use of any Nascent trademark in any way other than that confirmed below.

  • Always spell and capitalize the trademarks of Nascent accurately as they are shown in this website under the website logo and brand identity page. Do not cut down or truncate the brand. Do not make-up names that contain Nascent trademarks.
  • Please don’t utilize a variant, phonetic alike, foreign language comparable, takeoff, or short form of any Nascent trademark for any intention.
  • Please do not copy the distinctive Nascent website designs, logos, or any materials.
  • Please don’t use a Nascent tagline. For example: "Shaping Ideas"